Monday, August 5, 2024

Just sitting here.... thinking

 Hello crafty friends,  I finally found some time to just sit at my computer and try to come up with something to make on this program, but the ideas just aren't flowing today.     I haven't completely stopped making crafts.. I have been working on Flip - Notebooks.    I made one for myself to carry in my front pocket for work, to jot down important numbers that I need to remember.    Then one day I decided to show this note thing to someone I know, and she thought it was the neatest thing.   All I had to say was, "I can make one for you"... this led to others wanting one too.   Funny, how that worked out.   

In a few short hours I will be getting ready for sleep and another early birdie shift.     

This growing season we decided to try an experiment and plant some potato eyes.   I had watched numerous videos online to see what ya had to do,  I had a potato that was just sitting on top of the microwave and growing little teeny leaves... so I chopped it up into pieces as instructed, then I pushed those little bits into the rich moist soil.   I really wasn't expecting much.   We watered like every so often to make sure those plants didn't die.   Well to my surprise~ we have the smallest potatoes ever!   It's way too early to pull em right now, so I will wait and see what goes on.

As I look out the window I see a hanging plant that deserves some attention.   Poor thing is wilting in this heat.   Heat indices have been 90 degrees F. or 32 C.    

It's interesting sometimes to see what pops up in FB pages.  A short video featuring singer LuLu - she sang the theme song in the movie To Sir With Love.   She is 75 years young.  I'm not sure why, but when I first watched that movie (which was not so long ago) I found a few tears rolling down my cheeks.   There's nothing really sad in the movie, in fact it was rather inspiring and uplifting, for back in the day... maybe a little tired in todays standards as far as movies go. Todays movies are rather fast and lots of flash.    I really would like to see more shows and movies with good values being presented.     That's why I like to watch movies like, The Spirit Of St. Louis;  The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness;  Love Is A Many Splendored Thing;  along with newish types like - The Blind Side (Sandra Bullock);  While You Were Sleeping;  (these are not newer movies), but you get what I mean.... and those are just a few,  I own volumes of old and newish movies, all in DVD's and a few in video tapes - believe it or not.   I inherited my parents Sony video player and it still works!   Which is amazing.   

More inspirational movies include: The Story of Joseph, which was produced in the 1990's.   there are others that would be too numerous to mention, not only that but it would mean getting down on the floor - and you know what that means (if you are of a certain age) by the way, when did that happen?!?    Oh well... that's another story..   I think this would be a good time to sign off....  and I will leave you with a passage from the Bible.  Romans 15: 13 - Now the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing, that you may abound in Hope, through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  

Bless you my crafty friends, have a good day.

Hugs, Mary 

It's a "Grungy" kind of day...

  Hello fellow crafters,  time for another long over due update. I  am still alive and kicking.  Just working lots of early morning hours.  ...